Monday, January 21, 2013

Body Image

Body image. The two most frightening words to any teenage girl. As a teenage girl myself (18) I can honestly say that body image is such a roller coaster of a thing to deal with. I'll give you my story.

My dad is tall and skinny and my mom is somewhat short and normal sized BUT curvy. I like my father came out tall and skinny and as did my brother, my other brother and my sister, why are his genes so strong? I have no clue. Anyway, I've always been tall and skinny and had no problem with being skinny but being tall oh boy! Imagine ALWAYS being the tallest in all your classes ALL your life and being continuously reminded of So that was my life. It was annoying and I hated Ning tall but about 2 years ago I FINALLY decided to just accept my tall nature (because the guys in my grade finally passed me) and now I actually wish I was a bit taller. Crazy I know! As for being "skinny" that is another thing people would and still continually remind me of, personally I don't find myself skinny, I'd say I'm thin? Small framed? Anything but skinny. I like most girls went through a "I'm fat phase" and you may ask "Well Lovline, were you fat?" the answer is NO. Nothing close to fat at all. Looming back I have no clue what I was thinking but now I know better. I don't weight myself anymore, not attempt to lose weight even though 135 may seem like a huge number to some people (then again I'm 5'11).

I guess what I'm trying to get at with this is that girls needs to be reasonable when judging themselves and need to stop attempting to be "skinny" if you want to be fit then work for it. Starving yourself to be skinny is pure stupidity and damaging to your health and mental processes. I think tumblr is the main cause of that now a days. So learn to love your body and if you can't you can always change it in a HEALTHY way. There's no rush darlings.

PS. Some pictures of my body. NOT skinny. Thin and curvy.

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