Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's introduce me!

Hey there! I'm Lovline, this is me, second pic was like 3 years ago when I still had my braces. I'm 17 soon to be 18, Environmental Studies student at Carleton University, I love Indie music, my favourite artist is Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) I actually love him with every cell in my body, no joke! Hmm what else? I love fashion, all types and not just what everyone follows, I have insane wanderlust to the point where I have a list of every place I wish to visit and let me tell you this, it's one heck of a list at that. Random but I'm not a big fan of summer, definitely a winter and fall type of girl, I love skating, hiking, any outdoor activity really, favourite colours are pink and nude, lol really not sure what more to say. There's just WAY too much, but that will flourish throughout my blogging for sure :)